Handprint Creations is the online home where childhood can be preserved one handprint, or footprint, at a time.
All Ideas and Images are the sole property of Stephanie Elton and are protected by copyrights. Any reproduction is strictly prohibited.
Handprint Art Kits:
Bear, Camel, Cat, Cheetah, Cow, Deer, Dinosaurs, Dog, Elephant, Giraffe, Goat, Hippo, Horse, Lamb, Lion, Moose, Octopus, Panda, Peacock, Penguin, Pig, Porcupine, Reindeer, Rhino, Santa, Shark, Sock Monkey, Tiger, Turtle, Whale, Wolf, Zebra
Footprint Art Kits:Alligator, Bald Eagle, Bat, Beaver, Dinosaurs, Frog, Gorilla, Iguana, Koala, Monkey, Monsters, Mouse, Owl, Parrot, Peacock, Pelican, Quilted Dog, Rabbit, Race Car, Raccoon, Rooster, Seagull, Seal, Skunk, Snail, Squirrel, Stork, Toucan, Walrus

Your child's or infant's handprint or footprint will be transformed into an amazing, original painting.  We usually make them into animals, but we've been known to take a footprint and turn it into a racing car.  See the lists below for the types of kits we offer.
Have a newborn?A newborn's footprint is so precious.  Imagine the footprint turned into a frog, a stork, or a little penguin.  So adorable! 
Featured Footprints:
* Price - does not include sales tax or shipping.  Tax is based on WA state sales tax rate.
New Item:  
Customized Art Kit

Want to have a customized art print? Do you have a baby room theme you'd like to use?  We can arrange to have two hands, two feet, or a mix of the two on the same painting.  Call or email Stephanie for details.  See Featured Prints for examples. 
Quilted Dog
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Types of kits
Enter the name of an animal
Monsters (Fantasy-ish)